CO2 -<span style=" color: #A4C639"REMOVAL SYSTEM

Power consumption:
- Power used for separation of CH4 & CO2: 0.2 kwh/Nm3 of raw biogas Power: 736 Kwh
- Plug and play system
- Easily scalable
- Can be used flexibly and in modular fashion
- Simple to operate
- Low space requirements and short installation times
- No chemicals required
- No additional ancillary materials such as water or sorbents (amines, glycols) are required, so no emissions into the environment
- Low methane slip (loss) of 0.5 % during upgrading
- High methane yield of up to 98%
- Easily regulated for changes in flow rate or composition
- Power demand: 0.2 kwh/Nm3 of biogas
- Pre-treatment to biogas: H2S needs to be removed from biogas. Its acceptable limit is 15-20ppm
- Operational pressure: 12 bar
- CH4 purity:97-98%
- CH4 losses:0.5%
- Area for installation: 500-600 sq m
- Chemicals required: None
- Scalability: The capacity of the system can be increased by connecting extra cartridges in parallel Up time: >97%
- Change in concentration of H2S in feed gas: This system cannot handle H2S in upset conditions
- Partial load range: 50-115%
- Thermal power requirement: None
- Operation and maintenance: Operation and maintenance cost is on account of wear and tear caused by the system which operates at pressure of 12 bar. Maintenance of compressors & motors etc